11:00 AM —Arrival
11:05 AM –-Coffee, Snack and Morning Activities – Sensory and Cognitive Stimulation are provided through carefully constructed group activities.
12:00 PM—Exercise – Chair, Aerobics, Weight Toning, and Stretching
12:30 PM—Lunch and Social Convesation – Participants bring their own lunches, which are plated and served by staff, Beverages provided.
1:00 PM—Early Afternoon Activity – Sensory and Cognitive Stimulation are provided through carefully constructed group activities
1:30 PM —Entertainment – Musicians come onsite daily to share their talents. Dancing and Sing-a-longs are encouraged.
2:30 PM—Afternoon Activity and Snack – Sensory and Cognitive Stimulation are provided through carefully constructed group activities.
3:00 PM—Departure