Lamorinda Adult Respite Center, LARC, is a licensed and supervised social adult day program serving people with memory loss due to mild to moderate Alzheimer’s Disease or related dementias since 1997.

+ Warm and Engaging Environment for Loved Ones
+ Worry-Free Respite for Caregivers
+ Magical Workplace for Program Staff and Volunteers
+ A Win-Win for Everyone!

Hours of Operation:

Weekdays, 11:00AM – 3:00PM


433 Moraga Way, Orinda, CA 94563

925-254-3465 •  [email protected]


Participants bring a bag lunch that is plated and served by the LARC staff. Snacks and Beverages are provided.


For more information or make an appointment,  please call the LARC Office at (925) 254-3465 or email [email protected].